A section of 7.5" by 16.5" diamondplate has been cut and had holes drilled, which will be used to assess the original plans for the half-scale bogie backstop. Depending on how the test fit later today goes, changes may have to be made to the design to accommodate.
May 12th is the Senior Design Conference, and is when all of Spartan Superway will be presenting at the university to an open crowd. Work needs to be done on the final report, and much of the information present therein will also be shown during the conference. Still waiting on information about what the format of the final report will be.
Holes being drilled for the end pieces.
End pieces with corner brackets mounted with through-bolts.
Post for the post support.
Section of diamondplate cut from a larger square via jigsaw.
Holes drilled in diamondplate for through-bolts, to be tested today.
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