Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Week 14: Alternative Bender Table, Future Plans

The main focus for work was, as mentioned in the group post for the week, on the final report, third writing assignment, and final presentation. The past six weeks of the build have seen a personal input of 20+ hours per week, which combined with the required input for other courses appeared to have led to accumulated levels of fatigue. During the coming winter break, limited work will be performed as I will not be at home for the majority of the duration. However, work completed thus far has provided positive results that will lead the way for what will need to be done next semester, which was the main goal of work this semester.

Some searching was done during the semester for desks, stands, or mounts that the bender could be placed on for permanent installment in the Spartan Superway shop. Towards this end, it was originally conceived that a desk would be constructed from two unused table legs, 2”x4”s, plywood, and bolts, nuts, and screws. However, searching on Craigslist for free desks revealed several promising alternatives, including a “tank desk.” A “tank desk” was acquired in decent condition this past weekend, so it will be tested as the desk of choice for the first table to mount the bender upon.

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