Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Week 7: Materials, Design Maturation

The design for the rapid prototype has been reverted towards the original design in lieu of a Hossfeld bender, in light of material acquisition, available support options, and details from the track improvement team. Further revisions will be made as necessary with concerns towards the final design.

Since last week’s post, additional materials have been gathered from the Spartan Superway shop and sourced from local hardware stores for the build. An old lathe stand will be used as a temporary base, as its size and weight appear to be sufficient for the moment. A more permanent stand for placement in the Spartan Superway shop will require additional research at a later date.

In more specific detail:
                A cast iron wheel from a caster will be used on the arm to push against the material.
                The arm may be one of several pieces, either solid rectangular aluminum or tube steel.
                The die will be cut from plywood, with metal banding added if it proves too malleable.
                Pins and the center pivot will be made from either aluminum or steel bar stock.
                The square block to hold the material will be made from square aluminum stock.
                3/8” or ½” shoulder bolts will be used to bolt the bender to the lathe stand.
                Large diamond plate, aluminum plate, or plywood will be used to bridge the lathe stand

1) Caster from Harbor Freight.
2) Old lathe stand, Craigslist.
3) Assorted material picked up from Spartan Superway shop.
4) Additional material from Spartan Superway Shop, aluminum plate & plywood.
5) Material list and dimensions.
6) Various bolts from Lowes.

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